Operations and Supply Chain Management University
Throughout this website you will find resources to help you succeed in Operations and Supply Chain Management university courses that take place everyday in colleges all over the world. Although this course was created to support the content taught in the Pearson Textbook Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management (14th Edition) Jay Heizer, Barry Render and Chuck Munson, the underlining principles of Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Project Management, Quality Management, Global Operations Strategy, Forecasting, Inventory Management, Statistical Process Control, Materials Requirement Planning (MRP & ERP), Process Strategy, Lean Operations, and Linear Programming are similar no matter which textbook your Operations course utilizes.
Chapter Outlines
The chapter outlines provide an overview of the key learning objectives from each chapter. The outlines were created in Microsoft PowerPoint, and each slide aligns with the lecture recording videos provided on Professor Bolton's Operations and Supply Chain Management University YouTube channel. These chapter summaries are a great resource for any student who is studying from the Pearson Textbook Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management (14th Edition) by Jay Heizer, Barry Render and Chuck Munson.
Homework Support
Operations University is proud to support students all over the world who are studying Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management (14th Edition) by Jay Heizer, Barry Render and Chuck Munson. This textbook utilizes an online homework portal called MyLabs. Each chapter in the textbook will have quantitative homework problems that vary every semester, so Operations University has created Microsoft Excel templates that will assist students in solving the homework problems, learning the concepts, and preparing for quizzes and exams.
Practice Problems
Professor Bolton is adjunct faculty at a large university in San Diego, California, USA. One of the resources that he provides for his students are sample sets of Practice Problems for each chapter that is taught in his Operations and Supply Chain Management course. These practice problems are crafted to help his students succeed in his course, but the practice problems are universal to the content taught in the textbook Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management (14th Edition) by Jay Heizer, Barry Render and Chuck Munson
Lean Six Sigma Certification
Yellow Belt
Designed for front-line operations. Learn how to communicate waste in operations to take back control of your job. Become an active participant in leading process improvement change.
Green Belt
Become a leader of process improvement. Designed for process owners with the aim to improve upon managerial skillsets and leading change.
Black Belt
Build upon process improvement through program enhancement. Learn how to optimize entire service lines for true business transformation. Develop the necessary skills needed to persuade others outside of your control and influence.